Thursday, September 17, 2009

Luke Isaac Duncan

On August 28th, we welcomed Luke Isaac to the world at 1:06 pm. He weighed in at 7 lb. 7 oz, was 19 in long and is absolutely perfect! I realize this post is very late, but I'm sure you all have seen lots of pictures by now and have heard the birth story. Please forgive me for being a little preoccupied:) Luke came quickly and surprisingly easy which was an ENORMOUS blessing. You can read the full birth story on Luke's very own website at
along with many, many pictures. We are definitely making good use of the new camera! I'm going to be updating the website more than the blog for a while because I'm spending every spare second with sweet Luke while I'm home.

Luke will turn 3 weeks old tomorrow and I feel like I just blinked and time has flown by. I know, I know, it's only been a few weeks, but he's already growing and changing and it's a little bittersweet. I've loved the past nine months and the labor was such an incredible experience, I sometimes find myself wishing I could do it all over again. Of course I wouldn't trade having him here with me for the world though. He is perfect in every way. He has slept very well, eats great, is quiet most of the day (we've only heard his real cry during bathtime) and is the most relaxed baby I've ever seen. He sleeps with his hands over his head and his fists open just like his daddy did. Now that is a relaxed baby! He smiles and almost laughs out loud at times, raises his head and moves it side to side, and stares into our eyes when we talk to him. He absolutely loves his daddy's voice, his eyes widening when he begins talking to him. I think it's all the talking to him while in the womb that Cody did and his deep voice that makes him take notice. Of course he loves his momma too and quiets as soon as I pick him up and rock him. That's something I've always looked forward to with all my babysitting days. A child responds differently to their own parents than anyone else and it's something that changes you in every way. I couldn't ask for more. I sit and stare at him every day, amazed at what the Lord has made. I'm so thankful he has given us Luke to raise and love. Here are a few pictures of our bundle of joy:)

Going Home!!
Snuggling with daddy
Daddy's pretty proud
Working on our feeding~ lots & lots of feeding
Looks like his daddy for sure:)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Just a few more weeks to go!

Well, we are finally in the home stretch... I've never been so anxious for anything in my entire life. It's been hard to sleep and getting more and more tiring to work full days, but I'm determined to make it to the very end.
Week 34---->
I went to the doctor today for the first of my weekly visits and got some surprising news. I'm 1 cm dialated and 100% effaced!! That means that my cervix has thinned out as much as it needs to in order for the baby to be born. Dr Bradford actually felt his head! I also learned a new word "pelvic station" today from our labor DVD:) My doctor was very impressed when I asked what level the pelvic station was at and told me that he's at a -2. That means that he's dropped into the pelvis and is ready to go. She smiled as she told me to get my bags and car seat ready! This can all mean that we are very close or I could actually carry him to our due date... it mainly just predicts that labor will progress nicely since it has already started. What a blessing!

In July, we were given a shower by my sweet friends from graduate school in Dallas. It was so wonderful to have them all together again in one place! Even our friend Amy flew in from Cali to surprise me for the shower. What dear, dear friends they all are. Luke now has a beautiful high chair, lots of clothes, diapers, and boppy:) This past weekend our friend Misty hosted another beautiful baby shower for Luke & I. It was so wonderful to see so many wonderful friends and family all in one place to celebrate our baby boy. We have been so spoiled by so many and Luke is very blessed to have so many that love him already! Thank you to everyone that has helped us with diapers, clothing, toys, and so much more. You are all so dear to us!

Week 36 1/2 (yes, I'm counting the halves!)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Week 30

This week baby Luke is the size of a "head of cabbage". What a visual huh? I could understand the fruit/vegetable comparisons early on, but now why can't they just leave it at stating the weight/length? He is approx. 15.7 inches & 3 lbs this week. It's a peaceful feeling to know that babies are born healthy at 3 lbs all the time. I'm worrying much less these days thankfully. The nursery is currently a work in progress. Cody painted and I finally picked out a crib, but we will have to wait for it to be delivered... We did get his bedding in and I love love love it! It even has his name monogrammed on the comforter. Monogramming is my new favorite thing! I'm getting anxious to get it all finished now. Here are a few pictures of the bedding, chandalier, crib & room in progress..

I just had to post a picture of Sophie tonight as I just went out to let her back inside & this is what I found. She's such a mess. Poor thing always has something stuck to her hair! I guess she's used to it because she wasn't even trying to get the leaf off! She's hating this heat about as bad as I am, not wanting to spend more than 5 minutes at a time outside. She's definitely a "princess" around here, or so she thinks! Have a wonderful week everyone!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Beginning of the End-Entering the 3rd Trimester

Whoa!! Looking at this pic makes me feel HUGE. But I know I've been terrible about taking pictures of myself through this, so I decided to show the world this week! This was taken at 27 weeks (last week). One thing I've learned is NOT to look at the scale during this time! It's frightening at this point:) And yes, I officially can clean out the interior of my belly button now because it's inside out!

I had another doctor's appointment yesterday & it was good to get some decisions made. We decided on a pediatrician practice & the hospital I'll deliver at. My doctor delivers at 2 hospitals in Fort Worth & I chose Harris downtown. My doctor said the staff, nurses, etc are top-notch and that's all I needed to hear. I am so thankful to have such an amazing doctor who helps me out with these big decisions!

I was supposed to have a sonogram to assess baby Luke's size, but Dr. Bradford measured me from the outside & said he is measuring perfect right now so she postponed it to 34 weeks. I'm sure by then I'll be anxious to see him again! Cody & I say every day now that we wish he was here already. Not that we aren't loving this time together, but it's hard not to get anxious about his arrival. I have to confess that I've already secured his carseat in my car & I'm getting anxious to have his bedroom in order so that I can rock in the rocking chair:) Maybe this is what people call the "nesting" instinct, but whatever it is, I'm ready for this baby! Only 12 more weeks left~yay!! I hope everyone has a fabulous 4th!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

My first week with the "old folks"

I started my first week at Holland Lake nursing facility this week. The first day was the hardest but I'm starting to get the hang of it & like it a little more each day. I was on my own as of day 2 since our director and SLP that was supposed to "train" me went on vacation! Oh well, I think you sometimes need to be pushed into uncomfortable situations to learn the fastest because it's all falling together. I love hearing the stories from these sweet people & seeing them smile (some of them) when I come in the room. We had 3 from the Baptist church choir all in rehab yesterday & they began singing "In the Garden" while doing their exercises, very beautifully may I add! They are all about 85-90, so it was so precious it made me tear up. I get the funniest reactions every day as I walk through the dining room. The patients (loudly) tell their dining buddies that "that little girl over there it gonna have a baby!" as if the rest of the dining room can't hear them. Well, maybe they can't... They all want to touch my stomach & tell me their own stories of their children. Luke's been a good topic starter with just about any of them! I already had one patient pass away and that is something I don't think I'll ever get used to. He was admitted after a very bad stroke, but I was still caught off guard when he wasn't there the next morning. I just pray that God will use me here & make their lives a little bit sweeter. I'm sure I'll learn a lot from them too and continue to have many stories to share.

On a different note, I think we may have a little soccer player on our hands. This little 2 lb baby is kicking constantly, almost 24 hours a day now! At bedtime, in the morning, at work, he doesn't stop! I love love love it though because it's a constant reminder that he's there and healthy. I had one scare about a month ago when I hadn't felt him move in about 24 hours. Luckily my friend Hanna was able to give me some advice on what to do and it worked. Just a big glass of juice and laying down for a few minutes (praying the whole time) and within minutes there he was. Cody & I were tapping my tummy last night & he was kicking back at us over & over! I can't wait to see his sweet face and kiss him all over!

Sunday, June 14, 2009


So I just figured out something that has changed my life. I have not been able to find my connector for my digital camera since our move (hint- the recent poor-quality phone pics). But tonight, I realized I can plug my memory card STRAIGHT into our computer!! I know, I know, it's big news. Now I can go back & post pics from the past month:) Here goes...

These are pictures from our 20-week doctor's appointment on May 4th when we found out we are having a BOY!
Our First Wedding Anniversary- May 26, 2009

I can't believe it's already been a whole year that we've been married. Whoever said the first year of marriage is the hardest must not have dated 5 years beforehand! It's been a blast & I look forward to many many more anniversaries to come. My sweet husband sent roses to work on our anniversary & we went to a wonderful dinner at our favorite date place, the Melting Pot. The staff there even sent roses to our table & printed a picture of us for a keepsake of the night. It couldn't have been better.

Baby Shower #1 and #2

I have been incredibly blessed to work with many wonderful women who have taken me under their wing this year. Our special ed teacher & my SLP supervisor arranged a double baby shower on our last day of school. The school gave us our running stroller/car seat duo, baby Bijorne carrier, clothes, diapers, etc etc. We had so much fun hanging all of Luke's clothes in his closet & putting together the stroller that night. The following day I was "showered" with gifts again by our speech pathologists from the district at a sweet tea room in Granbury. I can't tell you what a blessing these women are to me! Here are a few pictures of the events.

Gabby & I Showing off our bellies. She's exactly 1 month ahead of me

My Wonderful supervisor & friend Dawn who put together the showers

Our running stroller & car seat!! I've been tempted to take Sophie for a ride but am resisting... only 2 1/2 more months!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

It's a Boy!!

Ok ok, I know I am the world's WORST blogger ever, so after many requests, here are some updates!
As everyone knows by now, we found out on May 4th that we are having a baby BOY!! His name will be Luke (the middle name will be our only surprise:). It's so wonderful to finally be able to call him by name & call him a "him"! Strangely, it has strengthened the bond I feel with him too, and has made us so excited to get everything ready for his arrival. It has been so sweet to hear Cody proudly announce that we are having a boy & call him "his son". I know already it is going to change him in so many ways. I began feeling the little pulls and stretches of his tiny body moving about week 19. I am beginning my 24th week of pregnancy, and those little stretching feelings have become full-fledged kicks and punches. It is the most incredible feeling in the world. I smile every time, feeling like it's my little secret during my busy days. Cody has been able to feel him for the past 3 weeks and gets so excited too. Luke is definitely getting bigger, because it's getting harder & harder to breathe normally & my stomach feels overly full really fast. Everything is progressing well though, & other than some sciatic nerve problems, I'm feeling wonderful. I just hope the next 3 months will be just as pleasant:) One can only hope. Summer has already begun & today I felt like I realized for the first time how hot it really gets here in Texas. I'll post pictures of my expanding tummy soon.
My job at the school is ending this week on Wednesday. It's bitter sweet, since I'm leaving many new friends behind but starting a new & exciting job too. I'll begin my job at the nursing home on June 15th after a week of vacation between jobs. We are hoping to get serious about decorating Luke's room on my week off. Daddy will hang the new chandelier and paint the room since I am unable to. I've picked out his precious bedding at Restoration Hardware Baby & can't wait to get it ordered soon. This week I will have 2 showers hosted by my school and the SLP's in the district. I have been incredibly blessed to have such wonderful support at work this year.
Here are a few sonogram pics from our visit in May.
He looked to be waving at us in this one!

Another profile shot

Here is the between-the-legs shot!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Week 19

A picture at week 19 since hopefully next week's post will be a sono!! Yes, I know I need a new camera, but my Iphone camera is going to have to work for now! It's on my list! I had to break down and buy maternity jeans and capris this weekend. They are actually super cute & extremely comfortable! I was dreading buying maternity stuff for some reason, but I may be wearing these after pregnancy they're so great!
This is TAKS testing week, and I will be taking our Life Skills class (severely disabled children) on a field trip the next 3 days. I'm a little nervous to be driving them all the way to Fort Worth, but I'm excited to have the opportunity. Everyone at school is telling me I'm brave and/or crazy and to brace myself for the most exhausting days I've ever experienced. I'm not scared though! It'll be a new experience for us all. I'll post pictures afterwards. Only 4 more weeks of school! Happy Monday everyone!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Easter... A little late

We spent Easter weekend with Cody's family & my mom out in the country. It was nice to spend a weekend relaxing. We went to church with Cody's grandmother and she was excited to have the whole family there with her. I realized Easter egg hunts and the Easter bunny will soon be a part of our lives and we're super excited. Cody's cousin Kendall is also expecting a baby, so next year will be especially fun! We didn't take many pictures, but had to have one of the two of us on our last Easter as just the two of us! I guess the next few months will be the last of those days... It's kinda bitter sweet I guess. We're loving our time together more than ever, but also counting the days until baby Duncan is here!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Finally, some pictures...

Well I finally decided to have Cody take a profile picture to prove that my tummy is, in fact, growing. I have dreaded having a picture taken in this view, so I hope all of you appreciate this:) I'm actually excited that it's growing because that makes it even more real that a baby is in there. I'm also attaching some recent pictures of Cody taking his first helicopter flight at the school he is applying to soon. He actually flew the helicopter the first day! We still haven't figured out if he will be applying for the Fall semester or if he will wait until the Spring. Hopefully we will know more soon because he is very excited to get started!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

More than a peanut!

I went in to see the doctor today because I was having some cramping the past few days & was a little overly concerned about it. Of course the nurse said cramping is normal, but I know my body & this felt a little different. She was more-than-willing to evaluate me & run some tests just for my peace of mind. Thankfully it was an unusually quiet day at the doctor's office because they ended up doing a full evaluation so that I don't have to come back next week for my scheduled checkup. As I waited, the sonographer teased me a little, saying I am far enough along for him to tell me the baby's sex. Since Cody wasn't there I decided not to, but it sure was tempting! He did agree to give me a "quick peek" at our baby that I haven't seen in 8 weeks. I was overwhelmed to see a real baby's profile this time, and not a blob or peanut shaped form! It is absolutely the most precious picture I've seen & can't imagine how I'll feel when we see him/her face-to-face. The sonographer also did a quick peek between the legs to confirm the sex (to himself!) but I didn't see it long enough to know what we were looking at. Cody couldn't believe I didn't go ahead & find out. He wants to know as bad as I do. Everything else is going well. We are enjoying life & spending lots of time together while it's just the two of us. I'll post pics soon of my baby bump, just haven't taken any current ones yet!

Sweet Profile :)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Week 12

Hello All!

I'm excited that we are finally in our 12th week of pregnancy! That means that we are officially out of the most "risky" time period in pregnancy (and lucky for me, out of the nausea part too!) Cody & I went to see Dr. Bradford on Monday & it was a neat bonding experience for us. I was a little alarmed to find out I've lost weight so far in the pregnancy, but the Dr. wasn't worried. I guess I'll just need to be starting to gain from now on. I actually had to by maternity pants this past week for my expanding tummy, so I guess my body is just redistributing my weight around. Who knows! We were so excited to hear our baby's heart beat for the first time. She let us hear my heart beat first for comparison & then went down to find the baby's. It was very fast (she said well over 150 bpm). Of course I read into that probably more than I should've & began researching what sex matched up with a faster heart beat online. I know that it really has no correlation but it's fun to predict! I think I'm the only one with no "feeling" about the sex of the baby! I am just praying it's healthy, of course & can't wait to find out so we can start planning! We will find out in 7 more weeks...

It's spring break for me this week & I've never been so excited to do nothing & maybe getting some organizing done around the house:) Of course being on a beach in Mexico would be a little more wonderful (Anna & Kyle!) but I'll take any break I can get! Have a fabulous week everyone!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Our little blessing

Hello all! After a long, 4 month hiatus from blogging, I thought it's probably a good time for some updates!

We spent the Christmas break on a long & wonderful carribean cruise with one whole side of my family. Yes there were 19 of us present on this vacation... for a week! Many families couldn't handle this type of situation, but luckily for all of us, there was no drama & lots of room to roam:) It was such a blessing though, as it was a gift from my Memaw to us all. It was wonderful timing too, as the first half of my school year came to a close & I NEEDED a break. Cody was hired on with his new job right beforehand & was allowed to start when we returned. The itinerary was amazing too. We cruised from Florida to Grand Turk, Turks & Caicos; San Juan, Puerto Rico; Saint Thomas, VI; & a private island in the Bahamas. We thoroughly enjoyed the beautiful ship & the incredible beaches at every stop. I'll be posting pictures soon!

And the REAL news...
Not long after returning, January 11 to be exact, Cody & I were excited to learn we are expecting our first baby! We had decided that with such an amazing first 8 months of marriage full of incredible journeys around the world, it was the perfect timing to start our family. I tried to contain the excitement as long as possible, but have to admit I've let the cat out of the bag more times than I'd initially planned:) I am now safely in my 11th week of pregnancy & life is slowly becoming more pleasant with each passing day. I had a hard 4-5 weeks there with daily/almost hourly sickness and constant exhaustion. Many have clued into our little secret just by reading my Facebook messages saying I'm going to bed at 5:30 or 6 most nights! This week was much better (with the exception of having a cold), and I'm hoping it continues to ease up. Work is much more pleasant when I feel like being there! I know it's all temporary & just thinking about the life growing inside of me makes it all more than worth it.

Our baby is now in the "fetal" stage of development and is looking much more like a baby! That's good, because as you can see, the baby looked like a blob just weeks ago! My mom was able to go with me to the first appointment (Cody wasn't able to get off work), which was a really neat experience. I had prepared myself (& mom) that there was always a chance they couldn't find a baby. I know that sounds negative, however I've seen & heard a lot in my profession & wanted to prepare my heart for whatever we faced. Anyway, I think mom was more surprised than I was when the sonographer immediately showed us the baby pulsating there on the screen. That one minute sonogram changed my life. Everything I had prayed for was right there for me to see & the doctor said everything looks perfect so far! I'll post the sonograms as I get them. Hopefully we will know the sex of the baby on the next one in about 8-10 weeks.

My doctor is Amazing, which was incredibly important to me. I learned that she almost Always delivers her own patient's babies & is super-conservative about things such as risks, meds & foods I shouldn't eat. I feel at peace knowing our care is in her hands. Cody is hoping to get off of work for the next appointment in the coming week, as we will get to hear the heart beat for the first time. He is super-excited to be a daddy soon, he's even begun kissing my stomach every morning before leaving for work:) I already know he will be an incredible father.

Well, other than those tiny updates/changes occurring in our lives, I guess everything else is normal... We are loving the house & slowly making it our own. Of course we have a list of things that we would like to do around here, but with the economy in the shape it is, we are resisting the urge to spend for now! I'll have plenty of time for that in the coming months, especially when I'm IN doors during the long, hot summer I have coming:) I promise not to leave this one hanging for another 4 months!