Sunday, March 15, 2009

Week 12

Hello All!

I'm excited that we are finally in our 12th week of pregnancy! That means that we are officially out of the most "risky" time period in pregnancy (and lucky for me, out of the nausea part too!) Cody & I went to see Dr. Bradford on Monday & it was a neat bonding experience for us. I was a little alarmed to find out I've lost weight so far in the pregnancy, but the Dr. wasn't worried. I guess I'll just need to be starting to gain from now on. I actually had to by maternity pants this past week for my expanding tummy, so I guess my body is just redistributing my weight around. Who knows! We were so excited to hear our baby's heart beat for the first time. She let us hear my heart beat first for comparison & then went down to find the baby's. It was very fast (she said well over 150 bpm). Of course I read into that probably more than I should've & began researching what sex matched up with a faster heart beat online. I know that it really has no correlation but it's fun to predict! I think I'm the only one with no "feeling" about the sex of the baby! I am just praying it's healthy, of course & can't wait to find out so we can start planning! We will find out in 7 more weeks...

It's spring break for me this week & I've never been so excited to do nothing & maybe getting some organizing done around the house:) Of course being on a beach in Mexico would be a little more wonderful (Anna & Kyle!) but I'll take any break I can get! Have a fabulous week everyone!