Monday, June 13, 2011

April 29, 2011

Happy Birthday!
Addison Grace & Elle McKinley

Getting ready to meet our girls!
Heading to the NICU

The girls made their arrival at 11:02 & 11:03 pm on April 29, 2011. That morning at 4 a.m. while watching the Royal Wedding on tv, I had absolutely no idea that it would be the day we've been waiting so long for. Apparently neither did my doctor! More on that later. The day before, Miss Elle decided to turn breach (after 3 months head down!) & I had been having moderte tail bone pain ever since. Later that evening right before shift change, I asked my nurse to put me on the monitor because the tail bone pain was a little different than it had been throughout the day. When she did, we quickly saw that I was contracting very frequently. I had dilated to 6 cm & didn't feel a single contraction, just slight tail bone pain! My night shift nurse continued to monitor me & about 8 pm she told me to go ahead & tell Cody to come, that this was true labor. The Lord had this planned out perfectly, as it was a Friday night & he was home with Luke. No worries about him making it in time or being on the job when the girls made their arrival as I had worried so much about! He brought Luke to Fort Worth where his parents were playing tennis & could meet him. He was able to make it in plenty of time before they brought me into surgery. Yes, after three months planning & hoping for a vaginal birth of the twins, with Elle flipped breach now, it was too risky. I was prepped for a C-section.

The nurse taking care of me in Antipartum seemed more excited & nervous than I was. She was one of my very favorites & I was so at ease knowing she was there making decisions. Sadly, my doctor was not on-call that night & the on-call doctor was called in. They all knew how much I wanted my doctor there, so they went ahead & paged her. She called in & reported that she was at a social function & was unable to get there in time (she later told me that she cried at her table that she wasn't able to be there & the other doctors there with her gave her a hard time!) I'll say it again, she is fabulous! I loved the on-call doctor & was completely at peace with her delivering the girls. The surgery was very quick & the girls both arrived pink & screaming, calming our nerves. Their Apgar scores were 9/9, perfect! The nurses & doctors (2 teams, total of about 12 people) cheered as they swaddled the girls & put them in my face to kiss & snuggle before sending them to the NICU. Since they were still considerably premature, we knew they would spend some time in the NICU before coming home.
After recoving a bit, they wheeled my entire bed up the NICU for me to see & hold the girls. It was about 2 a.m. at this point so my memories of those moments are a blur. Addison was laying on her tummy to help with her breathing (she was "squeaking" a little & breathing fast) and Elle was doing just fine. I was allowed to hold her that night. The following four days I spent every waking moment with the girls in the NICU. I was forced to stay an extra day because I hadn't controlled my pain well enough to go home since I was in the NICU so often & forgetting to take my meds on time. I hated the thought of leaving without them so that was fine with me. I had one day at home just Luke & I before we were able to bring Elle home. It all worked out just perfectly.
Thank you again to everyone for the prayers throughout this journey. I can't imagine going through it without the support of loved ones & the guidance of our Savior. We are truly blessed & will never forget it or take it for granted. What a story these precious girls have to tell.

He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted.  Job 9:9-11

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Sunday makes 34 Weeks!

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead." 1 Peter 1:3

What a huge milestone on one of the most special days of the year. I'm so thankful to have made it this far. Not much longer! (let's hope!)

Here are a few photos from this Friday when Luke came to visit. I'm so sad to be missing an Easter with my baby, but trying to stay positive & not dwell on it too much. Hopefully this will be the only one I ever miss with him.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

33 Weeks!

After 10 long weeks of being here & meeting short term goals one by one, we've finally made it to my long term goal of 33 weeks! I'm a little unsure why I chose 33 weeks as the goal initially, but after reading over my journal entries the first week here, I realized it yesterday. What a blessing!

I read that it was going to get harder & harder to gain weight toward the end of a multiple pregnancy, however I guess this rule doesn't apply when you get absolutely no exercise & live for the next meal. I've gained 5 lbs a week for the past 3 weeks in a row! I'm happy about it though, because I know this means the girls are growing as well. I'm sure I'll have no trouble losing the weight after chasing 3 kiddos around very soon! I'll have another sonogram Tuesday to assess growth/weights! Everything has been good the past week, so as of now it's a waiting game. Dr Bradford will take me off Procardia next week & we will see if I start contracting. She won't induce unless the sonogram shows too little amniotic fluid, which would mean that the placenta can't provide enough blood/nutrients for the babies. This sometimes happens toward the end of a multiple pregnancy with one placenta. We shall see!

We are officially moved back into our old house as of this afternoon! Our precious friends gathered their life group to clean our house, paint the nursery & move us in this week. It was such a huge blessing to us during this difficult time, especially now that Cody can't lift anything! We will soon be home with our babies though & I'm so ready!

Here are some pictures of Luke's first Easter egg hunt here at the hospital this weekend. Gigi had the great idea & it was a great memory, even if Luke was a little confused in the process. He was too funny, walking right over the eggs paying more attention to the cars driving past & waving to the people passing by! He knows how to make us smile.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Harris Hospital Beauty Shop

My wonderful friends April, Lindsi & baby Jack Chandler came to spend the day with me here in the hospital. Not only did they come to have girl talk & lots of laughs, but they happily agreed to highlight my desperate hair! It has been over 4 months since I've had my hair done, plus taking prenatal vitamins had increased the speed of the growth. Boy did it need some attention!

We somehow lost the needle that pulls the hair through the cap halfway through the process, so they both finished the job with earring backs & bobby pins! Whey were troupers, very determined to get it done, trading off holding & rocking Jack Chandler throughout the afternoon. Here is April pulling hair through the cap. Notice the GIGANTIC belly (like you can miss it!)

Then, Lindsi blow dried my hair while laying in bed. Didn't know this was a possible feat, but she got it done!

 Here is an "after" picture. Too bad I didn't get a "before" picture, although it was not necessarily something I would be proud to post! After worrying my hair was going to turn out pink, yellow & green, it surprised us when it came out looking quite good! My nurse came in tonight & said I looked like a "California blond" now, but I'll take that as a compliment over the 4 inches of dark brown roots I had hours before! Thanks sweet friends for a fun day full of laughter. I sure did need it! Love you both so much!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

32 Weeks & counting

I never thought I'd be posting belly pictures, but I have to say I've never been so proud to show it off! We've almost hit our initial LONG term goal of 33 weeks! And boy are these babies growing!
Well, as most of you know by now, Cody attempted to steal the show this week! It was quite the night to say the least..
Sunday evening I began feeling tinges of pain in my lower back, so the nurse put me on the monitor to check for contractions. Within the hour, I was feeling pressure & contractions in my lower abdomen & back, however they were about 4 minutes apart & somewhat inconsistent. I told Cody to keep his phone on when he went to bed, but didn't really feel like it was the real deal. An hour or so later, the contractions were 2 minutes apart & the nurse recommended that I call Cody & have him come. When I called him, he was on the phone with his boss already, however for different reasons. He was calling in because he thought he had a hernia & was in a lot of pain. He immediately headed to the hospital.

When he arrived to the hospital room, he was doubled over in pain, stating he was not going to be able to even walk to the OR if I had the babies. He needed to be seen by a doctor. I can't say I was the most empathetic at that moment, secretly wishing he would "suck it up" & stay for the birth no matter what.. We were also both very concerned because his insurance is a few days from being started with his new company. My tech came in & took him in a wheelchair to the ER, where they immediately triaged him & got him in for a CT scan. He called to let me know they were calling a surgeon to take out his appendix immediately. Guess I should've been a little more empathetic..

The doctor gave me some pain medication to hopefully relax me & slow the contractions to hopefully hold of labor until Cody was able to be there. It didn't work right away, but a few hours later they calmed down & became more irregular. The chief of surgery came in at 6 am to let me know that Cody's surgery went well & he would be recovering for the next few hours, but would go home that morning. Sure enough, he was wheeled back into my room about 8 am & slept on the couch in my room until his mom came to get him.

I have to say the next day was quite stressful & I was doubting for the first time in many weeks. Primarily about money & the frustration of being just days away from the insurance kicking in... (I can't lie, I'm also SO tired of being here flat on my back.) However, after talking with many here at the hospital & praying for peace about it, I truly do have a peace. Cody told me the following day that he was the happiest he's ever been in his life. This was puzzling to me, but I am so grateful to have a husband who is strong when I am weak. He repeated all of the positives that have put us where we are today. God has given us two babies that were not supposed to be here 9 weeks ago. HE has provided financially for us in these months when we didn't know how we'd survive. HE's given Cody a job where he feels secure & content. HE's taken care of our child when we didn't know who was going to care for him while I was here. Surely our God can provide for this. This is small stuff in the big picture. Pretty soon we will return home with three healthy children to a nice home with all of our needs provided for. I hate that my nature is to worry. Especially when God's provisions are SO evident.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

You Know You're on Bedrest When...

  • The nurses act as if you've won a contest due to being here the longest of the current patients

  • Having a sonogram is the highlight of the week (just to see the outside of the hospital doorway)

  • People/nurses come in & say "wow you look nice with makeup on!" (umm, thanks?)

  • You have to flip the pillows/mattress topper often because you're wearing a groove in them

  • You know who is entering the room by the way they knock (or don't)

  • You know every nurse, custodian, & hostess by name along with many of their personal histories

  • The most exciting daily event is marking another day off the calendar

  • It no longer bothers you to have to pee every hour (just to be able to get out of bed)

  • You've become very picky about detergent b/c it's all you smell (preferably lavender Downy)

  • Your eyebrows cannot be plucked again or there won't be anything left of them
I just had to post something upbeat & off from the usual updates since there's not much else going on around here! It's been a lovely, boring two weeks & for that I am grateful! We will get an update on weights on Saturday & I'll post once we know. Just a week & a half until 32 weeks! I was able to see my girlfriend's twin boys in the NICU today (now 33 wks) & it made me even more excited to see our girls. They were so tiny! I still can't believe there are two in there! Goodnight friends!

Monday, March 21, 2011

29 Weeks!

We made it past our first big milestone & are a week away from the big 3-0 weeks! It's been a quiet week thankfully, with little updates around here. The babies have hit a growth spurt for sure, now filling up my tummy with their little legs & bottoms sticking out all over. I do love being pregnant & feeling the closeness with my babies. I'm trying to really cherish this time knowing it's most likely the last time I will feel it. Yes, we have decided our family is perfect & complete with three! I'm getting anxious to meet these little girls, however know that each day in the womb continues to be a huge step in their growth & development & will miss having them safe inside of me.

Thursday I had a sonogram to assess growth & the girls weighed 2.10 lbs & 2.14 lbs! My MFM was surprised, stating that whatever I'm eating is working, because they are weighing in at a week ahead of average. Their weights at birth really impact their risk of problems after birth. Praise the Lord for big babies!!

Cody stayed the weekend with me after a long 80+ hour work week & we enjoyed just spending time together, napping most of our time across the room from one another. Just to have him here is so comforting. He is truly my best friend & I'm so thankful for every moment we have together. We were able to spend quite a bit of time with Luke this weekend too & boy is he changing quick. He's so sweet & just comes up to give me kisses & stroke my face out of no where when playing. It melts my heart. I'm longing for the day when I can rock him again & play with him in his room. Sunday, my doctor gave me "wheelchair privileges" where I'm allowed to go out in a wheelchair for up to an hour a couple times a week! Cody took me on a ride around the hospitals & it was wonderful to say the least! Let me say, we truly take the little things for granted. Fresh air & sunshine was all I needed to improve my spirits & prepare me emotionally for another week. It was pretty hard after the boys left last night, but I just remind myself this is only for a season, & we will all be together soon.

My precious doctor came back from vacation today & let me know she called to check on us every day on her trip, along with praying for us daily. I can't explain what that means to have a doctor that truly cares. Whose job is more than a job, it's a calling. I don't know that she'll ever really know what she means to me & my family.

That's it for last week! Hopefully the next post will be equally as boring! Here's my verse for the day & daily reading. It made me smile!

"I am the Lord, the God of every person on the earth. Nothing is impossible for me." Jer 32:27

We need to hear that God is still in control.
We need to hear that it's not over until he says so.
We need to hear that life's mishaps & tragedies are not a reason to bail out.
They are simply a reason to sit tight.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Week 27 in Review

A little late.. 26 week photo

I've been recovering this week from a semi-tramatic weekend, thus the very late post with lots of updates..

Last Saturday I was having a normal afternoon when I had the most frightening experience I've ever had with my health. I looked up from crocheting with double vision, unable to "uncross my eyes" it seemed. I sat up telling my nurse, who had just finished getting the babies onto the monitor, that I had had a sudden change in vision. Within the next second I felt my blood pressure & pulse rise radidly, pulsating throughout my body like a drum. Grabbing my throbbing head, I loudly announced that she needed to get a doctor, NOW, I thought I was having a stroke. She calmly & quickly took my blood pressure as nurses ran down the hall to my room. As soon as they got me turned onto my side & an oxygen mask on me, the symptoms subsided. The nurses stated that indeed, my BP was extremely high & pulse was racing, but it quickly went back to normal. My vision also returned. Having education in & treating stroke patients, I knew this episode had something to do with my blood pressure & that what had just experienced was not something to ignore. The doctor ordered an EKG of my heart & they did multiple neurologic exams, all coming out normal. We still don't know the cause of what happened.. but everyone is watching my BP & pulse very very closely while on the Procardia medicine.

Before the nurse left the room, I felt a tinge of pain down low that I had never felt before. She reported that I was also having contractions show up on the monitor. She decided to check my cervix to be on the safe side, reporting that I was now dilated to 5 cm & could feel Addison's head. They pulled the wires from the wall & monitor & whisked me to L&D.

Once in L&D, I was put on Magnesium Sulfate to stop the contractions & also help prevent neurologic deficits in the babies. This is a great drug but comes with horrific side effects including a burning sensation throughout the body, intense sweats, nausea, vomiting, difficulty breathing, etc etc. After the events upstairs, I wasn't a bit afraid though, just wanted to prevent labor at all costs.. When the doctor arrived & checked my cervix herself, she stated I was only 3 1/2-4 cm, not the 5 I was told upstairs! With the contractions coming close together, I was still at a high risk of delivering soon. They would keep me on the monitor all night & hope that the mag worked it's magic. The doctor thankfully gave me some pain medication in my IV that knocked me out completely within seconds, giving me a wonderful nights' rest even on mag!

The next morning my contractions subsided & the doctor decided I was safe to return to antipartum. I never thought I'd be happy to return to this place! What a blessing, once again! The rest of the week I've been recovering from the mag, which completely wiped me out. My eyes have been impacted the most, feeling slow & tired most of the time, but that's ok with me as long as we're still here! They also restarted Procardia to keep the contractions at bay. Let's hope it continues to work! Here's my wonderful L&D nurse who even wrote a verse on my board as a constant reminder:)

Thursday I had a sonogram to recheck fluid levels & development. The girls looked great! Fluid levels have slowly begun improving more & more each week. One surprise was the Addison had her hand above her head, which is currently right against my opened cervix. Yes, her hand was sticking THROUGH my cervix! The MFM (maternal fetal medicine specialist) stated that he wanted her to move it before delivery, but wasn't too concerned that this would be a problem at this point & also said he was very pleased with their development looks. Praise the Lord! Tomorrow will be 28 WEEKS!!! I've been quite emotional the past few days, feeling incredibly thankful that God has brought us this far. I never imagined we'd be seeing 28 weeks with a 95% survival rate when we arrived at week 23. Well here we are, & I feel like shouting it from the rooftop!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

26.3 Weeks

What a rollercoaster! Goodness, I'm ready to get off this ride.

Yesterday I went in for a sonogram to assess the babies ambilical cords due to some "decelerations" on the monitor showing that Elle's cord is being compressed more often than normal. It has been happening for very short time increments, but the doctors have increased amount of times we monitor the babies each day just to make sure she isn't having decels for any longer time amounts that they aren't seeing. I am so thankful they are thorough! I've also been having increased uterine "activity" so they wanted to make sure this wasn't doing anything to my cervix.

Elle's fluid level was normal-Yay!! and Addison's was the same as last week-still low amount, but good news that it's not decreasing! After assessing the girls, he saw that my cervix looked more open than previously. When he asked if I was very sure that I wasn't having any spotting or anything, I knew he was worried about something. He did a digital examination of my cervix, finding that I am now dilated to 3+ cms. Of course my nerves quickly kicked in & I lost it for the first time in over a week. He ordered the nurse to start an IV, begin Betamethasone booster shots for the girls' lung development & start me on a medication Procardia to hopefully stop the contractions (that I am not even feeling, but are opening my cervix). Once they start this medication you usually don't come off of it until the birth. The nurses worked quickly & within 15 minutes I'd have all the medications & IV fluids started. The monitors showed no change throughout the day, however today my uterine activity & contractions have subsided & Elle hasn't had quite as many decels as she did yesterday. Praise God!

The doctor did prepare me for what labor is most likely going to look like since she said I'm one of those that likes to be in the know! (the doctor's HAVE to be exhausted by my constant questions & needs for explanations of everything) But this helps me so I'm not ashamed! Dr. B said it will most likely be "fast & furious" no matter which way the babies come. They are both still head-down which is wonderful, but if they have to get them out because of decreased heart tones/distress, it will be an emergency c-section. She said it will all happen very quickly & that Cody probably won't even be able to make it in time. This breaks my heart, but at the same time, last week we thought he'd be thousands of miles away right now & God has provided a way for him to work here & can be here within 45 mins or so. At this point, I truly just want the best for my babies & know this isn't going to be a typical birth experience anyway, so I'll take whatever comes gracefully. I told the specialist that I'm determined to be here until at the very least 28 weeks, but am praying for 33! He smiled and said he is hopeful for tomorrow. Oh well, he can be the professional & prepare for the worst, but I'm expecting much more! Another quote from Dr. B today was "when you came in you weren't in the game, now the game is on." She's my cheerleader & I feel so very blessed to have her. She said her family prays for us every night & that she is bringing her little girl to meet me tomorrow. Now there are not many doctor's like that in these busy times!

Have to end with a verse I'm learning to take to heart these days: Be still & know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations; I will be exalted in the earth. Psalm 46:10.
Be still.. I believe this is the first time in my life I'm obeying

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


We finally got some good news yesterday! Of course that's all relative to the situation, however I'll take what I can get.

We went in for a sono to check the amniotic fluid levels of the babies & monitor development due to last week's probable diagnosis of Twin to Twin Transfusion. I had decided not to look at the doctor's face or the monitor during the sonogram today because I've realized he is too hard to read when he's assessing things & makes me nervous every time. He's so good & I have absolute trust in him, however his bedside is nothing to rave about!

He assessed baby A (Addison's) ambilical cord blood flow from the placenta & stated that is was "perfect" (this is the baby presumed to be getting less blood flow resulting in less amniotic fluid). He also reported that her bladder was full & functioning well (it was expected that she start showing signs of dehydration with less blood flow by now). That was my first sigh of relief. Then he checked her fluid level, which was slightly less than last week.

Baby B (Elle) had a normal amount of amniotic fluid today, which last week showed to be slightly high. Usually Dr. T is quick & efficient, however today he studied the monitor & did more assessments than usual. He then explained his findings & said he had good news. The babies are no longer presenting like they have Twin to Twin Transfusion! Instead, he is going to test me for a leak in baby A's amniotic sac. The test for a leak came out negative, which they said was a very good thing. Sometimes a small tear in the sack can result in a slow leak & can eventually repair iteself, which is what we are hopeful has been the case. We will have another sonogram on Thursday to recheck things, however in the meantime there are no changes in treatment. Bestrest for the rest of the pregnancy. And that's just fine with me

We can't thank our family & friends (and those we haven't even met) for the continued prayers on our babies' behalf. I know God is working good through this trial. Someday these girls will have such a beautiful story to tell.

"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully & wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know this full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." Psalm 139

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Week 25!

We have officially have made it to another milestone-25 weeks! I never imagined we'd be excited to have our babies make it to a seemingly small gestation. But I have faith that this is not going to be the last milestone either. Next is 26 weeks, and their survival statistics go way up to 90% up from this week's 70%. I can't believe we came in with a "less than 15% chance of survival" & now we are already to 70%!

This week has been a whirlwind to say the least, with seemingly more bad news day after day. On Monday we finished the injections for the babies' lungs (I'll get another injection next week). On Tuesday, we had a sonogram to see if the medicine they'd been giving me was strengthening my cervix & check dilation. Unfortunately we didn't get the news we were hoping. My cervix is now thinned out completely with 1 cm dilation. I was scared to death.

The doctor has stopped the medicine since it was not working and it is now just a waiting game. Thankfully I have not been having contracctions & no leaking fluids, so that is what they will be keeping a close eye on. If contractions begin, there are medications they will begin to try and stop labor at that point.

We did find out during the sonogram that our baby girls are identical, both sharing the same placenta. The doctor was "very sure" of this (this was the first time we've heard this for certainty) & proceeded to show some concern over one baby having slightly less fluid than the other. I wrote this off as something small since he did not elaborate at that time. I was much more concerned about my cervix & was scared these babies would fall out of me at any moment. The doctor assured me this would not happen and that I am doing the best thing I can at this moment by just staying horizontal. I left the room pretty hysterical.

The next morning the perionatologist came in & wanted to further discuss the sonogram findings. He first told me to promise him "not get on the internet." (He's quickly learned that I want to know as much info as possible & obviously have too much time on my hands) I agreed & he proceeded to tell me that he strongly suspects that our babies have what is called Twin to Twin Transfusion. Evidently he had known this the day prior but decided I was unable to digest all this bad news at once. For this I am thankful! This was the first time that bad news didn't hit me like a ton of bricks. For some reason I have researched & konwn about this diagnosis from the time we learned we were having twins & I'd all the time instinctively felt we were having identical babies. (Twin to Twin Transfusion only occurs in 5-17% of identical twins) We also know a couple that had the same diagnosis given to their girls & they thrived, overcoming all odds. Although this can be a devastating diagnosis, fortunately our babies have just now begun showing signs of it at 24 weeks & have been very close in size up to this point. The day we came in they measured 1.1 & 1.4 lbs. They should have grown approximately 4 oz this week! The doctor will be closely monitoring their growth twice weekly by sonography to make sure they are safe developing inside the womb.

Friday we had a follow up sonogram & everything was the same as Tuesday-No changes! This was the first time I didn't leave his office shaking violently. Praise the Lord!

Today we had a scare as I was on the contraction monitor, simultaneously monitoring the babies heart rates. As I watched, the flat line began jumping up & back down again, showing contractions every minute of so. The nurses quickly came in & brought the doctor who ordered a digital examination of my cervix to check for dilation. Again, I about lost it. I need to make it a few more weeks at Least! Great news~No dilation! There are various reasons for this to happen evidently-not staying hydrated enough, babies growing, stretching of uterus. After drinking a LOT of water, laying down a while & trying to relax, everything settled down. Tonight everything has looked fabulous! Our girls have also had hiccups all day today on & off for the first time. It was glorious! I just know they are growing stronger each day & are going to be our miracle babies. They already are

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Hope for a Miracle

As most of you know by now, we are beginning a potentially long stay in the hospital due to preterm labor. Healthy babies, unfortunately living in my incompetent cervix.. Here's the story so far in a nutshell for those of you that are interested in the details of our situation.

Thursday Feb 10: Routine check up, no dilation & everything looked great. I was originally scheduled for a sono this day, however with rescheduling due to last week's snow storm, there was a mix up & no sono was scheduled. Dr B said she wanted one ASAP, but may have to wait until next visit due to their busy schedule. Fortunately, they happened to have an opening right away & got me in. Miracle #1. That was when the first shock was quickly identified. The sono tech stated that he was very sorry but my cervix was extremely thinned & I was having "funneling". My cervix had thinned from 4 cm down to 1.19 cm. Essentially, our baby girls were "falling out" of my cervix because my body could not hold them. Trembling, they walked me back to lay down & wait for my doctor to come in & talk about options. After performing a FFN test (ID's preterm labor within the next 2 weeks) she immediately sent me to Harris Methodist FW for further observation by a Perionatologist. She assured me I would have the best specialist she knows meeting me there & that the two of them will not let us lose these babies today. HOPE
After arriving at the hospital, our results were back from the FFn test-Negative! That's negative for the protein that would tell that I was going into labor in the next 2 weeks. More HOPE. The next sono with the specialist gave us more grave news quickly after this. Following the sono, he sat me up, turned the monitor toward me, & pointed to a new devastating number that my mind could not comprehend- .52 cm "That is the length of your cervix" he said.
After having a spell of almost passing out on the table, he began telling me our options, along with the most current research with situations similiar to mine. We decided on the following treatment plan for the time being, & that is where we are today:
#1 Bedrest for 1 month in hospital (re-evaluate if I remain pregnant that long)
#2 Motrin for 3 days to decrease current uterus irritability
#3 Progesterone suppositories to (hopefully) improve cervix strength
#4 Betamethasone injections (to improve babies' lung development if we make it to 24 wks)

Today, Sunday, we made our first milestone of 24 weeks! That means we received our first beta injections for the babies' lung development. If blessed to wake up pregnant another day, I'll have the last injections tomorrow. So far, so good. And I am confident to be in the very best hands here. Not to mention the flood of texts, emails, calls, & FB messages from those praying fervently for our baby girls. We are eternally grateful & ask that you please continue lifting up these babies. Ok, that's about the extent of the details over the past 4 days. Feeling hopeful & trusting our Savior loves these little girls more than we can even imagine loving them. Either way this journey goes, he is paving a road for His glory. That's about all I do know at this point. But maybe that's enough.