Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Just a few more weeks to go!

Well, we are finally in the home stretch... I've never been so anxious for anything in my entire life. It's been hard to sleep and getting more and more tiring to work full days, but I'm determined to make it to the very end.
Week 34---->
I went to the doctor today for the first of my weekly visits and got some surprising news. I'm 1 cm dialated and 100% effaced!! That means that my cervix has thinned out as much as it needs to in order for the baby to be born. Dr Bradford actually felt his head! I also learned a new word "pelvic station" today from our labor DVD:) My doctor was very impressed when I asked what level the pelvic station was at and told me that he's at a -2. That means that he's dropped into the pelvis and is ready to go. She smiled as she told me to get my bags and car seat ready! This can all mean that we are very close or I could actually carry him to our due date... it mainly just predicts that labor will progress nicely since it has already started. What a blessing!

In July, we were given a shower by my sweet friends from graduate school in Dallas. It was so wonderful to have them all together again in one place! Even our friend Amy flew in from Cali to surprise me for the shower. What dear, dear friends they all are. Luke now has a beautiful high chair, lots of clothes, diapers, and boppy:) This past weekend our friend Misty hosted another beautiful baby shower for Luke & I. It was so wonderful to see so many wonderful friends and family all in one place to celebrate our baby boy. We have been so spoiled by so many and Luke is very blessed to have so many that love him already! Thank you to everyone that has helped us with diapers, clothing, toys, and so much more. You are all so dear to us!

Week 36 1/2 (yes, I'm counting the halves!)